School Of Medicine

Understanding that innovation creates sustainable change, IUHS is not a traditional brick and mortar school. The University invests in its students not in large capital-intensive infrastructure. Think of it as medical school 3.0.
Here you can watch and read the unfiltered thoughts, struggles, trials, tribulations of REAL STUDENTS. Follow their blogs and read about their journey through medical school.


5 Minutes with a current student EYAD - IUHS

Wayne Broth Video Blog 2

IUHS Pre Clinical Student Wayne Broth Blog 1
As I take a break from studying anemias I think how it seems like just yesterday I was contemplating taking on medical school and starting at IUHS. The doubts were plentiful and continued to grow throughout my first few weeks. At one point I almost threw the towel in so to speak. Fortunately I was talked out of it. As such I am able to share my experiences with others, hopefully some of you being future IUHS students. I hope to take these experiences into rotations so you can see the life of a medical student; a non traditional medical student, if you will. More on that in a bit but the life experiences that have brought me to where I am today certainly makes learning at this point in my life a much richer and deeper experience.
Here I am after nearly quitting, almost halfway through my second year at IUHS. I am not the typical medical student. I started IUHS at the age of 39. I have a full time job with a large orthopaedic group that spans several states and I hold a DC degree- Doctor of Chiropractic. I have a wife and two children with another one or two planned. Early on in Chiropractic school I knew I wanted more. I always challenged the science- or should I say lack of science- that Chiropractic school offered. I questioned the lack of evidence behind much of what the profession was based on. I challenged the teachers, which most of them appreciated. In fact I was awarded the clinical excellence award and nominated for the Philosophy Award. I knew once I graduated Chiropractic school that I was going to go to medical school. I just didn't know when and where. I did not know how I would pay for it with so many student loans already out. Then, life came. I got busy with practice. I opened a CrossFit gym, got married and had children.
By chance, I came into contact with a colleague from Chiropractic school. I recalled speaking to him years earlier when he was about to start medical school in the Caribbean. Now, years later I was speaking to him about the program he transferred into; IUHS. He talked it up and it piqued my interest. I started to look back into medical schools. There were a few that were local here in Florida but I would have had to give up my job. With a family to support and astronomical student loans, that was out of the question. IUHS was the only school that afforded me the ability to be able to keep a job and attend classes on my own time. Also of significant importance it was affordable. I reached out to other current IUHS students and prior graduates. One of them in particular was in his second year of residency in "Aeronautical Medicine". He was quick to answer my multitude of questions and always had time to point me in the right direction. Several others happened to be currently practicing in the state where I live, Florida. I applied after getting all the pertinent paperwork together. Acceptance was swift and I started as soon as I was able.
When I first started, I really didn't know what to expect as far as the breadth of work I was about to embark on. Looking back I had zero ideas on how to study properly. It took several months, and thus several blocks, to learn how to efficiently study; to learn what worked and just as important what didn't work. I purchased countless online programs- more than I care to admit. I've made it a point to attend classes as much as I can. There have been two blocks where I did not miss a single class.
I speak to several of my classmates regularly. I have interactions with many of the IUHS professors who are quick to get back with answers. What I am thoroughly impressed with, is the caliber of teachers IUHS has to offer. The majority of the professors teach at other medical schools across the country. Many teach for the main board preparatory courses. IUHS offers board review/prep courses twice a week- which I would encourage any student to attend even if you early on in block zero, just as I did.
At this point in my medical school career I am confident in my studies and am impressed with myself on how far I have come. I wake up in the morning excited to start the day- because I know I will be learning a new topic. Something that will make me a better physician to prospective patients in the future. Every day I get closer and closer to my goal.
Looks like it's time to get back to studying some anemias. I've gone over my daily allotted non-study time. Just kidding.
Not really.
Every minute counts nowadays!