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S K N    R E S I D E N T     S C H O L A R S H I P 

Mission of Scholarship :
To provide scholarships to aspiring Kittians and Nevisians, full or partial funded educational opportunities for post-secondary and primary medical education.  The primary goal to achieve St. Kitts and & Nevis medical licensure and practice in the Federation.


Eligibility for scholarship applicants :

Applicant must be a citizen, National or resident of St. Kitts & Nevis.


Applicants who reside on St. Kitts will be given priority


Applicant must be proficient in English


Applicant can be living outside of St Kitts & Nevis as long as they are still citizens or Nationals.


MD applicants must have completed a Premed program or have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent


Pre-Med-MD applicant must have completed High School or within 6 months of graduation


Master’s degree program requires completion of a bachelors program

Additional Criteria :
Students are eligible to receive scholarships only in the semester to which they apply, scholarships cannot be deferred.


Applicant must submit the following :
A completed application form and transcripts
Two reference letters, from persons other than family members, documenting the applicant & integrity, interpersonal skills, and potential as a future physician.


A one-page essay (12-point type, double spaced), submitted  to Please describe why you want the scholarship and how you plan to benefit SKN or how you plan to impact the medical community as a physician

Scholarship Award Amount :
Each Individual scholarship covers the either the entire cost or partial cost of IUHS administrative and tuition fees for the Pre-Med program (if required), Pre-Clinical Program and Clinical administrative

SKN Resident
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