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P R E  C L I N I C A L  S C I E N C E S
School Of Medicine

During the Pre-Clinical Medical Science Program students partake in ICM as the beginning of their clinical education, which serves as preparation for their clinical rotations.


It is essential, for medical students’ success on medical board examinations and in performance throughout their clinical clerkships, for medical students to learn how to interact with patients and professionals, and progressively to elicit relevant histories, undertake relevant examinations and perform procedures, under the guidance of clinical staff.

I N T E G R A T E D   C L I N I C A L  M E D I C I N E  

"Students spend approximately 30% of their preclinical period engaged in “hands-on” meaningful curriculum."

International University of the Health SciencesInternational University of the Health Sciences

International University of the Health SciencesInternational University of the Health Sciences

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Integrated Clinical Medicine

(ICM) contextualizes preclinical medical sciences education. IUHS believes a comprehensive integrated approach to learning is the most effective way to ensure students will not only understand concepts but have the ability to convert this knowledge into the clinical setting. ICM
provides "Hands On" mentoring for a minimum of 20 hours a month in meaningful clinical curriculum during pre-clincial studies.


  • Integrated throughout the preclinical basic sciences curriculum

  • Patient case or problem based learning activities

  • Team competency exercises

  • Coordinated to provide selected hands on activities and real patient encounters matching the curriculum

  • Supervised by our Associate Clinical Faculty


The goal of the Integrated Clinical Medicine (ICM) program is to familiarise you with the appropriate clinical knowledge and physical examination skills which are necessary to transition to clinical rotations effectively and complement the information you are working on in your preclinical block.  We further expect this program will provide you with greater competency, understanding and intuitiveness about the clinical process.  Students can better understand difficult concepts when information is contextualised and this is a primary goal of the ICM program. The ability for students to see basic medical science knowledge presented in a clinical setting provides them with a better understanding of the importance and application of this knowledge in a patient care setting.

There are two components of the ICM Program: Associate Clinical Advisors (mentorship) and a virtual patient simulation interface called DxR.

Virtual patient simulation

The University uses DxR Clinician, a web-based patient simulation software for teaching, learning, and evaluating key clinical reasoning skills.


Students are challenged with a multitude of clinical case problems throughout the preclinical period using our DxR interface. Students are required to work through each clinical case systematically, which provides them with insight and a clear, concise understanding each procedure.


Beginning in the first pre-clinical block, students are partnered with IUHS Associate Clinical Faculty/Mentors. These faculty members are practicing medical doctors in good standing with their jurisdictional medical authorities, who will engage students with meaningful IUHS curriculum and activities throughout the students’ pre-clinical education.


This “hands-on” instruction provides students with clinical experiences designed to integrate fundamental knowledge and develop the clinical skills necessary to interview, assess patients and ultimately make clinical decisions. When students are in clinical rotations and residency, the understanding of clinical decision making and the integration of skills will be essential for the modern student to perform well.


Each Associate Clinical Faculty member is not intended to be a content expert on every topic. Following a defined curriculum, he or she will demonstrate and instruct the student on relevant clinical and physical examination skills related to each pre-clinical block. These faculty will motivate and guide students to discuss and explore the practice of medicine and challenge them to integrate their studies with patient care.

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