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C A N A D I A N   F I N A N C I A L    A I D   &   S C H O L A R S H I P S 

Alberta Student Financial Assistance :

Students are eligible for both the federal and provincial funding as well as low- and middle-income grants in Alberta. The combined maximum a student can receive is $42,000 (CAD) per term. If the term starts/ends mid-month, the award is prorated and the award is made for the whole month or nothing for that month. Students are awarded funding by the month.


British Columbia Student Financial Aid :

Students are eligible for both the federal and provincial funding as well as low- and middle-income grants. Students can receive up to $320 (CAD), $210 federal and $110 provincial, per week and $4,500 per year in a grant. Students are awarded funding by the month. If the term starts/ends mid-month, the award is prorated and the award is made for either two or four weeks of funding depending on the exact date.


Manitoba Student Aid :

Students are eligible for both the federal and provincial funding as well as low- and middle-income grants. Students can receive up to $350 (CAD), $210 federal and $140 provincial, per week and $4,500 per year in a grant. Funding is awarded by the literal number of weeks in a term.

Newfoundland Student Financial Assistance :

Students are eligible for both the federal and provincial funding as well as low- and middle-income grants. Students can receive up to $350 (CAD), $210 federal and $140 provincial, per week and $4,500 per year in a grant. Funding is awarded by the literal number of weeks in a term.


Nova Scotia Student Assistance :

Students are eligible for both the federal and provincial funding as well as low- and middle-income grants. Students can receive up to $390 (CAD), $210 federal and $180 provincial, and $4,500 per year in

a grant. Students may be awarded up to 40% of the provincial loan amount in a scholarship.


Northwest Territories Student Financial Assistance :

Students are eligible to receive scholarships and bursaries totalling up to $14,400 (CAD) in combined loans and grants per year.


Ontario Student Assistance Program :

Students are eligible for federal funding only (not provincial). Maximum federal funding is $210 (CAD)per week of instructional time. Students are also eligible for low- or middle-income grants (up to $4,500 (CAD) per year).



Mission Statement:

The International University of the Health Sciences' mission is to transform the learning experience and underlying economics of medical education as a student-centered and socially-accountable institution to address global health inequities in education and health service.

School Of Medicine
International University of the Health Sciences © 2025
  • IUHS
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