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School Of Medicine

In September 2010 the ECFMG had announced that in 2023 the medical schools of all students and graduates seeking STEP exam registration and Certification would be required to have a WFME recognized accreditation. The Covid pandemic forced the roll out date for this initiative to be pushed back to 2024.
As the 2024 deadline approached it became clear the impact of the pandemic was more significant and many schools and countries would not be able to meet the 2024 deadline to achieve WFME recognition of their accreditation bodies. As a result the ECFMG re-assessed its plans
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E C F M G 2 0 2 4 A N D W H A T I T M E A N S F O R I U H S
The objective of having all medical schools meet a common standard through their Recognized Accreditation Policy remains a priority for ECFMG; the ECFMG however adjusted their plan to roll out the requirement aspect of it. In the press release of October 12, 2022 the requirement was changed to a recommendation at the roll out of the policy. No decision has been made on the timeline to reconsider making the Recognized Accreditation Policy a requirement but adequate notice will be given. As of 2024 schools currently recognized by ECFMG will remain recognized by ECFMG. Please see the ECFMG press release for more details. https://www.ecfmg.org/news/2022/10/12/initial-implementation-of-medical-school-accreditation-initiative-begins-in-2024/
IUHS is currently recognized and will remain so. IUHS is in the process of achieving a second accreditation that is WFME recognized and will therefore meet the ECFMG recommendation well before it becomes an ECFMG requirement.
Summary of the changes to the revised 2024 Recognized Accreditation Policy:
Implementation of the Recognized Accreditation Policy will begin as of 2024 through the reporting of a medical school’s recognized accreditation status. The reporting will be for information purposes only and will not impact an individual’s eligibility for ECFMG Certification, the USMLE exams, or the Match.
Starting in 2024, if a medical school meets the Recognized Accreditation Policy, this will be indicated on the Sponsor Notes tab of the school’s listing in the World Directory of Medical Schools (www.wdoms.org). Similar information will be added to the ECFMG Status Reports provided for individuals applying to U.S. residency and fellowship programs through ERAS in time for the 2025 application season (i.e., for the 2025 Match). Again, this is for information purposes only.
Additional information about the Recognized Accreditation Policy is available at www.ecfmg.org/accreditation. Please check this section of the ECFMG website periodically for updates.
For information on the requirements for ECFMG Certification, please see this page: https://www.ecfmg.org/certification/.
Mission Statement:
The International University of the Health Sciences' mission is to transform the learning experience and underlying economics of medical education as a student-centered and socially-accountable institution to address global health inequities in education and health service.