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P R E  C L I N I C A L  S C I E N C E S
School Of Medicine

The basic sciences program consists of lectures, practicals, tutorials, and moderated group study which provides students with the knowledge and understanding needed to start clinical medicine. In addition, there is the development and understanding of knowledge self-assessment which will prepare students for a world where medical practice is rapidly evolving.


The Pre-Clinical Medical Sciences program consists of 92 weeks and is divided into 11 blocks. Block Zero is 12 weeks in length while Blocks 1 through 10 are  8 weeks. The pre-clinical program consists of instruction in all the basic sciences, USMLE Step 1 exam preparation, and introduction to clinical medicine.

C O U R S E    S T R U C T U R E
Block 1
DXR Cases

Block 1 – Introduction to Basic Medical Science. This block introduces the student to the basic sciences of medicine including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and histology. Students will also be introduced to the working tools of Clinical Medicine, which includes taking a patient history, performing physical examinations and learning to construct a differential diagnosis.


This is accomplished using virtual patient technology DxR Clinician and each Block will introduce a new case clinical case that compliments the knowledge objectives of the block of study.

8 Weeks
Integrated Clinical Medicine
92 Weeks
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